Susan Hand Shetterly Writer and Teacher
An essay by Susan is slated to appear in the April issue of Down East magazine. Later this year, watch for Susan's essay on Chickens in the Woods in the Nov/Dec issue of Yankee magazine.
Susan’s essay on Vernal Pools is in the February issue of National Geographic with photographs by Tristan Spinski.

Notes on the Landscape of Home has won the New England Society Award in the Specialty Category for its “outstanding contribution to New England culture and its proud literary tradition.” Learn more.
Susan is currently accepting bookings for readings and workshops. Please contact her for scheduling.
Thursday, July 18 2:00PM
Holbrook Island Sanctuary, Brooksville, ME
Seaweed talk followed by a walk along the low-tide shore at Holbrook Island Sanctuary with Susan and biologist Jessie Muhlin.

Photo credit: Greta Rybus